

Zigong Geopark

自贡地质公园 Zigong Geopark
自贡地质公园位于四川省历史文化名城自贡市境内,有“千年盐都、恐龙之乡、南国灯城”之美誉。地质公园由大山铺恐龙化石群遗迹园区、荣县青龙山恐龙化石群遗迹园区和自贡盐业科技园区组成,总面积56.6 km2。    地质公园以闻名中外的中侏罗世恐龙化石群遗迹为主体。中侏罗世产出的恐龙化石数量丰富,种类众多,埋藏集中,保存完整,在世界上绝无仅有。这里产出了一大批世界级恐龙化石珍品,几乎涵盖了侏罗纪时期所有陆生脊椎动物门类。公园内建成的中国首座集恐龙化石原地保护、标本展示和科学研究于一体的大型综合博物馆,为科学知识普及游览观光和科学研究提供了绝佳的条件。
Zigong Geopark is located in Zigong, a famous historical and cultural city regarded as “the salt capital of over one thousand years, the hometown of dinosaurs and the lantern city in South China” in Sichuan Province. The park covers an area of 56.6 square kilometers of the Dashanpu Dinosaur Fossil Site, Qinglongshan Fossil Site and Zigong Salt and Sci-Tech Area. The Geopark is based on the display of the well-known Middle Jurassic dinosaur fossils. The dinosaur fossils found in the Middle Jurassic period are abundant, unique and well preserved, covering almost all species of terrestrial vertebrates in the Jurassic period. The park is the first large-scale comprehensive museum of dinosaur fossil conservation, specimen exhibitions and scientific research in China, which provides excellent opportunities for the sharing of knowledge, sightseeing and research.