Yandangshan Mountain Global Geopark

雁荡山世界地质公园 Yandangshan Mountain Global Geopark
Yandangshan Mountain Global Geopark is located in Leqing City, Zhejiang Province,China, and covers an area of 294.6 square kilometers. Yandangshan Mountain is famous for its the amazing beauty of its sharp summits, continuous ridges, strange caves and stone gates.
Yandangshan Mountain is a typical example of a Cretaceous volcano on the giant volcanic (rock) belt on the edge of the Asian continent. The geoheritage in the park has recorded the complete geo-evolving history (128 mya-108 mya) of the eruption, subsiding and reviviscent apophysis of volcanoes and provided a permanent sample for Mesozoic volcano studies.