Taishan Mountain Global Geopark

泰山世界地质公园 Taishan Mountain Global Geopark
泰山地质公园位于华北大平原东侧的山东省中部,拔起于山东丘陵之上, 有如鹤立鸡群,十分雄伟。1987年被联合国教科文组织世界遗产委员会正式列入世界自然文化遗产目录,成为全人类的珍贵遗产。
Taishan Mountain Global Geopark is located in the east side of North China Plain in the center of Shandong Province. The magnificent and marvelous Taishan Mountain rises above the numerous mountains in Shandong. In 1987, this mountain, cherished as a treasure of humanity, was approved officially as world natural and cultural heritage site by UNESCO.
The long geological evolution history, complex geological structure and typical geoheritage of Taishan Mountain have been studied by many geologists. Taishan Mountain is a typical and famous area for studying and setting up the framework of Early Precambrian geological evolution and Neotectonic Movement.