

Huangshan Mountain Global Geopark

黄山世界地质公园 Huangshan Mountain Global Geopark
黄山地质公园雄踞于风光秀丽的皖南山区,面积约1200平方公里,是以中生代花岗岩地貌为特征的地质公园。 在距今约1.4亿年前的晚侏罗世,地下炽热岩浆沿地壳薄弱的黄山地区上侵,大约在6500万年前后,黄山地区的岩体发生较强烈的隆升。随着地壳的间歇抬升,地下岩体及其上的盖层遭受风化、剥蚀,同时也受到来自不同方向的各种地应力的作用,在岩体中又产生出不同方向的节理。自第四纪(距今175万年)以来,间歇性上升形成了三级古剥蚀面,终于形成了今天的黄山。在这些岩体中,由于在矿物组分、结晶程度、矿物颗粒大小、抗风化能力和节理的性质、疏密程度等多方差异,造成了宛如鬼斧天工般的黄山美景。 黄山以奇松、怪石、云海“三奇”和丰富的水景以及它们的相互组合表现其特质。在立马桥、天都峰、北海等地段,被认为具有第四纪冰川而闻名。黄山冰川的存在与否,已争论了半个多世纪,至今尚无定论,这也是黄山地质公园又一诱人的魅力所在。
Located in the magnificent mountainous regions of southern Anhui, and with an area of 1,200 square kilometers, Huangshan Mountain Global Geopark is a geopark known for its Mesozoic-era granite landforms. About 140 million years ago in the Late Jurassic period, hot magma erupted along the geological fault line in the Huangshan Mountain region. Around 65 million years ago, the rock formations in the Huangshan region were forced upwards from intense pressure. As the crust was intermittently uplifted, both rock formations underground and those on the surface suffered weathering and erosion. At the same time, they were affected by various tectonic stresses from different directions, resulting in the formation of geological jointings going in different directions. Since the beginning of the Quaternary period 1.75 million years ago, intermittent uplifts have formed three levels of erosion surfaces, finally forming the Huangshan Mountain of today. These rock formations are different in mineral composition, degree of crystallization, mineral particle size, resistance to weathering, jointing characteristics, and density, thus forming the splendid and superb landscape of Huangshan Mountain. Huangshan Mountain is characterized by its “Three Natural Wonders”—odd-shaped pines, spectacular rock formations, and the ocean of clouds which surrounds its peaks. Combined with its plentiful lakes, streams and waterfalls, these reveal the uniqueness of the region. The Lima Bridge, Tiandu Peak and Beihai areas are famous for the possible occurrence of Quaternary-period glaciers. The occurrence of glaciers in Huangshan Mountain has been debated for about half a century, but no final conclusion has yet been reached so far. However, this is also where the fascination of the geopark lies.