
Wudalianchi Global Geopark


五大连池世界地质公园 Wudalianchi Global Geopark
五大连池世界地质公园地处小兴安岭山地向松嫩平原的过渡地带,总面积为1060平方公里。主要地质遗迹有:14座孤峰状火山、11座盾形火山和8座岩渣锥火山。 公园里矗立着十四座新老期火山,拥有世界上保存最完整、状貌最典型的新老期火山地质地貌,被科学家称之为“天然火山博物馆”。五个汐水相连的如串珠般湖泊,是最新期火山岩浆填塞了浩瀚的远古凹陷盆地湖乌德林池而形成,五大连池也因此而得名。
Wudalianchi Global Geopark is located in the transition zone from Xiao Hinggan Mountains to Songnen Plain, which covers an area of 1,060 square kilometers with 14 solitary peak volcanoes, 11 shield volcanoes and 8 slag cone volcanoes as its main types of geological heritages. The 14 old and new volcanoes are regularly distributed in the geopark and they are the best preserved and the most typical volcanic cluster in the world, for which Wudalianchi has been named by scientists as the “Natural Volcano Museum”. The lava from the latest volcanic eruption blocked the vast sag basin lake Wudelinchi, forming 5 lakes which spread in the form of a string of beads, thus explaining the origin of the name Wudalianchi.