Stone Forest Global Geopark (Shilin Global Geopark)

石林世界地质公园 Stone Forest Global Geopark (Shilin Global Geopark)
Stone Forest Global Geopark, situated in the red highlands of Yunnan Province, is a famous site renowned for its collection of karst geological landforms.
The formation of the stone forest was a long and complex process of geological evolution. In the early Permian period, 270 million years ago, the Shilin region was a marine environment and sedimentation on the seabed created a layer of limestone hundreds of meters thick. After the uplift of the earth's crust, this region shifted to the edge of the hot and humid ancient coast where the forces of corrosion formed the early stone forest landscape. Historically, this area was once covered by basalt. Under sustained forces of tectonic uplift, and different geological and climactic conditions, the stone forest formations continue to survive, be replaced, and evolve. The old formations gradually disappear, while new ones are continually created.