The Skillion at Terrigal

Gray band of shale underlying the sandstone
The sedimentary rock of The Skillion was laid down in the Middle Triassic and was formed in an alluvial environment, possibly in a delta or river flood plain. Examination of the rock face will show bedding where silt has been deposited over eons. On the eastern base of The Skillion, note a distinct band of grey shale rock underlying the sandstone. Examine the rocks on the next platform north, here dimples cover a portion of the platform indicating that it may have been the floor of a shallow sea. There are ferruginous deposits on many of the rocks and in zones on the cliff face forming bands resistant to weathering. Look for joint lines crossing the platforms.
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斯凯林海角的沉积岩堆积于三叠纪中期, 而它的形成得益于三角洲或河漫滩此类的冲积环境。 仔细观察岩石表面, 会发现亿万年间堆积起来的粉砂层纹理结构。在斯凯林海角东边底部位置,会看到砂岩下方有一条明显的灰色页岩带。 在北面的岩石路台上,可以看到有一些凹坑,表明这里可能曾是浅海海床。 在许多岩石上,还有悬崖面部分,都有铁质沉积物,它们形成了夹层带,可抵御风化。

Ferruginous zones, resistant to weathering