Adelong Falls Gold Workings

Adelong Falls Gold Reserve viewing area
The Adelong gold deposits were mostly associated with basic emplacement within the Wondalga Granodiorite. Adelong Creek passes through a narrow gorge about 300m long and dropping 30m vertically, the ideal site for the Wilson and Ritchie Battery. The Battery site comprised two water wheels and weirs, races and aqueducts; a 24 foot buddle; a series of holding tanks; a small quarry; a reverberatory furnace and brick stack; a weighbridge; a works office; and a cottage with a terraced garden. This conserved site, on the outskirts of Adelong township, is an excellent example of gold mining in the last part of the nineteenth century.
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阿德龙金矿主要是断层矿脉,其形成是由于岩脉侵入旺德加花岗闪长岩导致的。阿德龙溪流穿过一条长约300米的狭窄峡谷,垂直落径达到30米,是威尔森和里奇采矿场建立的理想场地。采矿场的遗址现场还存有两个水轮、堰坝、引水槽和渡槽;另有一个24英尺长的洗矿槽、一堆储料囤、一个小采石场、一个用于熔炼金属矿的反射炉和砖堆、一个地磅、一个工程办公室,还有一个带露台花园的小屋。 这个保护区位于阿德龙镇的郊区,完美呈现了十九世纪末期金矿开采区的真实场景。

Looking down Adelong creek