Tasmania's Island Heritage

A rugged island sculpted by the wilds of the Southern Ocean and carved by the ice ages of eons past, Tasmania's Island Heritage is a landscape of beauty that leaves footprints on the heart of all who visit. Nature's finest work, cloaked by the earth's cleanest air, Tasmania's Island Heritage is a landscape of dramatic coastlines, rugged wilderness and snow capped mountains.
Tasmania's Island Heritage is as spectacular as it is diverse. Sea-scoured coastlines and gentle beaches abound with marine life offer wildlife encounters for all. Towering forests with flowing crystal waters entrance and entice the curious. With one of the last large expanses of temperate rainforest in the world, one-fifth of Tasmania was declared a World Heritage Area in 1982 with an international obligation to protect and conserve this wilderness of outstanding universal value.
Tasmania's Island Heritage is the last refuge for many animals, birds and plants that are rare or extinct elsewhere, such as theTasmanian devil,Tasmanian native hen and the 40-spotted pardalote-one of Australia's smallest birds. It is an island safe haven protected by isolation, lack of introduced predatorsand largely preserved habitats,offering the last chance for many species.
Now a Tasmanian icon,Tasmanian devils were once considered vermin in their own homeland. Early European settlers complained of raids on poultry yards, predation on lambs, its spine-chilling screeches and unsavoury temperament and the creature became known as the Tasmanian devil.
Driven to extinction on the mainland by an increasingly arid climate and the spread of the dingo, the devil is now under threat in its Tasmanian stronghold. Facial tumour disease, a fatal cancerous condition in Tasmanian devils, is spreading and reducing populations of the species.
In 2010, five Tasmanian convict sites were placed on the UNESCO World Heritage list.These include Port Arthur and the Coal Mines Historic Sites on theTasman Peninsula, the Cascades Female Factory at South Hobart, Darlington Probation Station on Maria Island and Brickendon- Woolmers Estates near Longford.
In cool temperate forests, deep within the wilderness of Tasmania's Island Heritage lies one of the oldest living organisms on earth: the Huon pine. Endemic to Tasmania and found only on the West Coast, Central Plateau and Huon Valley, this slow growing tree can live for up to 3,000 years. The Huon pine tree is a relic of the dinosaur age, surviving for 135 million years. During colonial times, the tree was a valuable ship-building material because it was impervious to rot. Today, it still remains a prized material for ship building and furniture making.
The Tahune Forest walking trail offers visitors the chance to encounterthe spectacular pine. On an air-walk suspended high above the forest floor visitors can view the Huon pine and the other unique tree species of Tasmania including eucalypts, celery top, King Billy pine, blackwood, sassafras, beech, myrtle and flowering leatherwood.
塔斯马尼亚岛风景优美,物种丰富。海水冲刷的海岸线和细腻的海滩是多种海洋生物的家园,是邂逅野生动物的不二之地。高耸入云的森林,清冽可鉴的一汪潭水,吸引了无数人游览。塔斯马尼亚的五分之一被温带雨林所覆盖,这也是世界上最后的温带雨林之一。1982年,这块区域被列入世界遗产保护区,其生态环境受到严格保护。 2010年,五个塔斯马尼亚囚犯流放地被列入联合国教科文组织世界遗产名录。其中包括塔斯曼半岛的亚瑟港和煤矿历史遗址、南霍巴特的卡斯凯玆女犯工厂、玛丽亚岛的达令顿感化站以及龙富镇附近的牧耕腾农场和妩媚庄。
塔斯马尼亚岛遗产保护区是许多动物、鸟类和植物的最后庇护所,比如袋獾、绿水鸡和当属澳大利亚最小鸟类之一的多斑食蜜鸟,它们在其他地方几近灭绝。这个岛屿对很多物种来说就是一个安全港,它与世隔绝,没有捕食者的侵害,还拥有大片受保护的栖居地。 袋獾现在是塔斯马尼亚的标志,以前却被认为是危害环境的野兽。早期的欧洲定居者抱怨袋獾袭击家禽、捕食羔羊,还讨厌它刺耳的尖叫声和凶猛的脾性,所以袋獾也被叫做“塔斯马尼亚恶魔”。 气候的愈发干旱和野狗的肆虐,导致大陆的袋獾已经灭绝,而今它在塔斯马尼亚的生存也受到了威胁。面部肿瘤疾病是袋獾的致命癌症,目前正在扩散并影响了该种群的数量。
在塔斯马尼亚旷野深处的凉爽温带森林中,生长着地球上最古老的生物之一——胡恩松。胡恩松是塔斯马尼亚特有树种,且仅生长在西海岸,中部高原和胡恩谷。这种树木生长缓慢,可以存活长达3000年。胡恩松见证了恐龙时代的兴盛和消亡,已经存在了1.35亿年。在殖民时期,这种树是宝贵的造船材料,因为它不易腐烂。今天,它仍然是造船和家具制作的珍贵材料。 塔胡恩森林步道之旅给游客提供了与这种壮观松树亲密接触的机会。漫步在森林地面上悬空的空中步道,游客可以欣赏到胡恩松和其他独特的塔斯马尼亚树种,包括桉树、芹叶松、比利国王松、黑相思木、黄樟,山毛榉、桃金娘和开花皮革木。