Sydney Harbour

Surrounding Australia's stunning gateway city, Sydney Harbour National Landscape unfoldsfrom spectacular waterways at every turn. Iconic native wildlife, ancient bushland, rich marine life and intriguing heritage lie just minutes from a vibrant modern city. This bewitching natural environment stretches along the New South Wales coast from Barrenjoey Headland in Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park, through Sydney Harbour National Park, west to Parramatta Park and south to Royal National Park. It takes in Port Jackson, Botany Bay, Port Hacking and the rivers and inlets of the Parramatta, Lane Cove, Hawkesbury and Georges Rivers.
Nature trails, picnic areas and superb swimming spots are enhanced by ancient Aboriginal sites, stories of the Dreamtime and convict sites that provide a glimpse into the life of early European settlers.
Port Jackson, the natural harbourof Sydney and Australia's most iconic estuarine system, was formed by the flooding of an ancient river valley Beneath the bustling water traffic lives an incredible wealth of marine life - including morethan 580 fish species, migrating whales, dolphinsand kelp forests with seahorsesand sea dragons.
Discover Sydney's very own population of little penguins. You may be luckyto catch a glimpse of the world's smallest penguins near their nesting grounds, but the best place is Penguin Cove at Manly Sea Life Sanctuary. Go fora summerswim at Nielsen Park or Clifton Gardens to spot a sea horse or two. Take a winter stroll along a headland naturetrailfora chancetosee humpbackorsouthern right whales. Get up close to marine life on a snorkelling or diving adventure at Clovelly or the water surrounding Bare Island - look out for the blue groper! Kayaking is a great way to explore the landscape; head to the Ramsar-listed wetlands of Towra Point Aquatic Reserve in Botany Bay or try Pittwater, Lane Cove or Middle Harbourforsecluded bays, beaches and rivers.
Protecting morethan 35,000 hectares of bushland, much of it national park, this landscape offers easy access to Australia's unique plants and animals. Towering eucalypts with their distinctive Australian scent are everywhere. Flowering waratahs, banksias, bottlebrushes, grevilleas, wattles and tea trees are magnets to native birds, butterflies, possums and flyingfoxes.
The long-nosed bandicoot is a small grey-brown nocturnal marsupial that forages at night and sleeps by day in nests madefrom plant materials. Its very long nose has adapted for digging insects and small invertebrate prey leaving small snout shaped holes behind. Young are born after a pregnancy of about 12 days, one of the shortest known of any mammal. This small creature was once abundant around Sydney but rapid urban development has reduced the dense vegetation availableforshelterand introduced newthreatsto survival such as cars, cats and dogs.
The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service and North Head landowners work closely togetherto secure the future of North Head's endangered population, which now stands at around 110 individuals.
Morethan 300 bird species includingthe lyrebird andyellow- tailed black cockatoo have been sighted in Royal National Park. Manly's North Head conserves morethan 450 plant species including rare and endangered communities such as the Camfields stringybarkand eastern suburbs banksia scrub. Here, you'll see a wealth of seabirds including albatross, and it's also an important habitat for an endangered population of the long- nosed bandicoot.
澳大利亚的门户城市——悉尼被国际级景观悉尼港坐拥怀中,每一处都展现雄伟与细腻交融的风景,古老与现代碰撞的火花。在当地,独有的野生动物、古老的丛林、多样的海洋生物和迷人的文化遗产距现代化都市仅有几分钟路程。 迷人的自然环境沿着新南威尔士海岸蜿蜒,从库灵盖狩猎地国家公园的巴伦乔伊岬角出发,穿过悉尼港国家公园,西至帕拉马塔公园,南至皇家国家公园,沿途景点包括杰克逊港、博塔尼湾、哈金港以及帕拉玛塔河、莱恩湾、霍克斯伯里河和乔治河。 这里有自然小径、野餐区和一流的游泳场,也有古老的原住民遗址、黄金时代的传说和囚犯遗址,帮助人们深度探秘欧洲早期定居者的生活。
杰克逊港是悉尼的天然海港,也是澳大利亚最具代表性的河口系统,它由一个古老的河谷泛滥而成。水面上是熙熙攘攘的水上交通,水面下是令人难以置信的多样化海洋生物——多达580多种鱼类、迁徙鲸、海豚和海藻森林,海马和海龙在其中穿梭。 您还可以探索悉尼独有的小企鹅种群。您可能将有幸在筑巢地附近瞥见世界上最小的企鹅,其最好的观测点是曼利海洋生物保护区内的企鹅湾。夏天,您可以去尼尔森公园或克利夫顿花园游泳,看一看海马;冬天,您可以沿着岬角自然小径漫步,看一看座头鲸或南露脊鲸。您也可以在克洛韦利或秃岛周围水域进行浮潜或潜水探险,近距离接触海洋生物,寻找蓝石斑鱼!皮划艇出游是探索景观的好方法,您可以前往博塔尼湾的托瓦点水生保护区,那里有被列入拉姆萨湿地公约的湿地景点,也可以去皮特沃特、莱恩湾或中港寻觅隐蔽的海湾、海滩和河流。